2022 – Richard Marten


This seminar is for photographers who want to move beyond the technical aspects of photography and better understand why skills such as visual awareness and design are key to making a good photograph. The following topics will be included in the seminar.


At a time of rapid technological advancement in equipment, one thing still
remains true. The most valuable decisions a photographer can make are
those concerned with the image itself—the reasons for making them and
ultimately their final appearance. Although equipment is essential to help
realize the photographer’s ideas and perception, the development of such
skills as visual awareness and design are key to making a good photograph.
This presentation will offer an insight into the methods, actions, or processes
involved in making them


Play is at the very heart of creativity and an excellent means to stimulate our
minds. Without question, a playful attitude is fundamental to creative
thinking. Speaking from experience, the greatest breakthroughs in my
photography have been achieved during times of playfulness. It is the perfect
tool for allowing experimentation and change. Seriousness inhibits the
creative flow, while playing around allows us to be more relaxed, with fewer
concerns for rules, making mistakes and being practical. Children are
naturally creative because they know how to play and have fun.


The biggest challenge when including people as an element in our
compositions is to confidently reveal that hidden, intangible ‘element’ that
lies beneath. This involves having compassion and understanding for your
subject and most importantly suspending judgement.

The practice is a combined process using instinct and technique. It’s about
everything working together. The combination of elements in the frame, the
surrounding context of the subject, and how they interact with their
surroundings. In addition, the definitive gesture leading up to that precise
moment in time when the shutter is released. Allow for spontaneity in your
image making and above all trust your visual instincts.

From Richard’s website:

A long-time contributor to Photo Life magazine, Richard pursues photography as a medium of visual expression. He is best known for his unique vision with a personal style characterized by a strong sense of composition, colour and the use of light. His work combines an architectural love of geometry, pattern and texture with a painter’s sensitivity to colour, light and composition. 

Well known for sharing his enthusiasm, creative vision and passion for the medium, Richard has inspired participants with his annual photography and visual design workshops in his native Kingston, Ontario since 1990. He also conducts workshops, tours, and seminars around the world, including Cuba, Mexico, Sicily, Venice, Tuscany, Provence, Ireland, and Morocco.


For more information, visit richardmartinphoto.com