The Vision-Driven Photographer
David begins the day with an inspiring discussion of his photographs, and his journey as a photographer, before talking about the role of photographic vision and what it means to recognize, explore, and develop the way we see.
Light, Lines, and Moments
Vision is important, but it needs to be expressed: how well we do that depends not on how well we use the buttons and dials on the camera, but on how well we use our raw materials: light, lines, and moments. This discussion about composition and storytelling will free you from the so-called rules and encourage you to take a new look at the visual language.
Making the Image – Creativity and the Camera
Photographs are made, not taken, and this session is a candid talk about the creative process and the way we build a photograph.
Vision and Voice – The Digital Darkroom
There are three images that go into the final photograph – the one the photographer envisions, the one she makes with her camera, and the one that gets refined in the digital darkroom. How well we do the latter two determines how close that final image expresses the first. Join David as he walks us through his vision-driven workflow.
To see more of David’s work, visit